Friday, May 18, 2007

The First Serious Post

This is the all important post. The first one was because something had to be written. That done,I am a serious blogger now. I am now meant to give direction, meaning and god knows what else to the general dilemma, let alone tripper's peculiar problems.

But this is a case of the intent becomng a roadblock. I am simply unable to lend meaning or direction to my thoughts right now. A lot is happening. Love & longing to say the least. My mind is full of brilliant ideas that others have already used. A friend uses lyrics for post titles, another writes so well that you cant help but feel unnerved. Two others, give me hope. They are as bad as I am.

However, there are possibilities, and thats what makes things exciting. I could tell you about taking a day off and spending it with the girl I love or drinking with friends. I could tell you things about her that bring me peace and things that taketh away. I could tell you about my friends...who are really my brothers. But all that in due course of time.
The writer's block thing is happening as we speak. Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy says, "to learn flying throw yourself to the ground and just before you hit it, get so distracted that you will forget to fall and hence fly". This seems as sensible as having a positive mental attitude so here goes nothing.

I am restless, full of a thousand thoughts. I am rejected for not being where I eventually would be. I understand and I know I am loved. A friend thinks I am reckless and I get away with it because I am mostly honourable. Another has found lost comfort.
I love and will continue to love those who I do. They are important to me. Meanwhile, I have long hair & great girth and the weekend approaches...